Saturday, August 31, 2019


INVESTIGATING THE ECOLOGICAL NICHE OF THE CRAB USING A FAIR TEST INTRODUCTION: The ecological niche of the crab Hemigrapsus edwardsi. The crab is a member of the Crustacea phylum and is in the family Grapsidae. This crab species is found only in New Zealand on rocky shores. The rocky shore, where the crabs studied in this investigation were found is quite exposed. There is a large rock platform that provides small crevices and small rocks which help to protect them from wave action and predators. There are also sea lettuce, and other algae growing on parts of the rocks.The crab has many adaptations that allow it to live on the rocky shore including: †¢ grey/black colour for camouflage †¢ food detection structures (antennae on its head and hairs on the mouth parts to sense chemicals in the sea water) †¢ 4 pairs of legs with muscles that allow it to move sideways, as well as forwards and backwards †¢ behavioural adaptations such as scuttling under rocks when the tid e goes out or to avoid predators †¢ freezing when being attacked (we noticed this when we touched some of them on their backs). This might confuse predators. †¢ gills for gas exchange.The rock pools provide a micro-climate where the temperature and salinity of the water will change, depending on the weather. If it was a really hot day, the rock pools will get warmer, more water will evaporate and the salinity will increase. The crab would have to be adapted to cope with these changes in salinity, otherwise, as the concentration of salt in the water around it changes, it will gain or loose mass due to osmosis. Through the process of osmoregulation, the crab is able to maintain a constant water balance in its body, but to do so requires energy and this could be measured by an increase in the respiration rate.This is what I am going to investigate. Aim: To determine whether the respiratory rate of the crab changes in different salinities. Hypothesis: The respiratory rate of t he crab will increase as the salinity changes away from â€Å"normal† salinity. METHOD Thirty crabs of similar size, were collected from the rocky shore. The salinity was varied by diluting the 200% conc. seawater provided in to five different concentrations. The volume of the solutions was 200mL each. The concentrations were 150%, 125%, 100%, 75%, 50% conc. Water with 100% concentration is equivalent to the concentration of normal seawater.Sixty-five mL of the 150% solution was poured into a petri dish. The petri dish had a thin layer of stones in the base to recreate the natural environment of the crabs. One crab was put into this petri dish and left for five minutes to allow them to adjust to the conditions. The petri dishes were floated on a water bath which was set at 180C. The water bath was placed in the room where the light intensity was the same for all petri dishes. An indirect method of estimating respiration was used. This was to count the number of currents seen on the surface of the water.I assumed that a higher number of currents indicated a higher respiration rate. A little bit of carmine red was sprinkled onto the solution in the petri dish in order to see the movement of water more clearly. The crabs were left in the petri dishes for five minutes before counting the respiratory currents. The respiratory currents were counted for 30 seconds. This amount was doubled to give the rate per minute. 5 more trials with different crabs were done at each concentration. Each time a fresh 65 mL of solution was added. The results were recorded and the rates per minute were averaged.This process was repeated for the 4 remaining concentrations and the results for these were averaged. Results: Average respiratory rate of the crab in different concentrations of seawater. | |% concentration of the water (100% = normal sea water) | | |50 |75 |100 |125 |150 | |Average number of respiratory | | | | | | |currents per minute |7. 2 |6. 75 |6. 00 |7. 50 |12. 4 2 | Average respiratory rate of the crab in different seawater concentrations. Statistical analysis of results: The graph of the results suggests that there is a significant relationship between the concentration of the seawater and the respiratory rate of the crabs. This is confirmed by the r2 value of 0. 9642, which indicates that 96% of the variation in the results is explained by the change in seawater concentration. Conclusion:The respiratory rate of the crab, as measured by respiratory currents, increased when the concentration of the seawater either increased or decreased from the 100% conc. (normal seawater). Discussion: This investigation was carried out to determine whether respiratory rates of the crab increased as the salinity was changed from normal levels. The crab is a euryhaline organism that lives on the rocky shore, often in rock pools. Because of the tidal movements of water, the salinity of the crab’s environment fluctuates. To maintain homeostasis, the cr ab osmoregulates.This means it actively controls the salinity levels inside its body. As the seawater concentration increased or decreased from the concentration of normal seawater (100% conc. ) the respiration rate increased. This is because the crab is most comfortable at the concentration of normal seawater. As osmoregulation involves the active transport of ions, it requires energy to adjust to higher or lower seawater concentrations than 100% seawater. As the salinity of the crab’s environment increases or decreases from the salinity of normal seawater it requires more energy in order to osmoregulate.So in order to obtain that energy, it needs more oxygen and its respiration rate increases. This is necessary for the crab as it must deal with a range of salinity as the tidal pools dry out. If the concentration of the water is greater than that of the crab’s internal environment, it will go through osmosis. Although the crab has an exoskeleton, water can still leave its body through the space around its joints and gills. Evaluation: Initially I found that there were several problems with my investigation.The most significant one was that the crabs were out of their natural environment which made them more fidgety. Some of mine even attempted to escape from the petri dishes during the trials. This clearly shows that they were unsettled and perhaps not responding as they usually would. If they decided to stay inside the petri dish, they stayed close to the edge and moved away from the movement of people around them. I moved my investigation to a more secluded position and screened them off with a cover so that were not able to see what was around them.I also lined the petri dish with a thin layer of stones to attempt to somewhat recreate the natural environment. This change made the crabs calmer and produced a more natural response. The counting of actual respiration itself was difficult as it was a humid day and the carmine red seemed to be con gealing before being placed in the water. Perhaps in humid conditions chalk dust or very fine sand would have been more suitable but these were not available where I was carrying out the investigation.Where the crabs were sampled from may have biased the outcome of the results as the position in the tidal zone might influence the levels of salinity that they were accustomed to. Most of my animals appeared to be female, this may also have biased my results. Further investigations would need to be carried out to determine if sex or original location influences crab respiration rate. Despite these limitations my results show that the increase in respiratory rates can be explained by the changing concentration of the seawater. ———————–INTRODUCTION ECOLOGICAL NICHE AIM HYPOTHESIS Explains aspects of the ecological niche that are related to the investigation. Hypothesis linked to ecological niche. VARIABLE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE CONTRO LLED VARIABLE DEPENDENT VARIABLE Controlled variables A valid range of the Independent variable Controlled variables Dependent variables Sufficient data PROCESSED DATA [pic] STATISTICAL ANALYSIS CONCLUSION Sufficient data that is appropriately and accurately processed to show relevant pattern. (raw data is in log book) Workable method outlinedSufficient data that is appropriately and accurately processed to show relevant pattern. (raw data is in log book) Statistical analysis of the validity of the conclusion A valid conclusion that is justified by the data and relates to the hypothesis DISCUSSION EVALUATION Critical evaluation through analysis of the validity of the investigation Critical evaluation – limitations discussed and changes made to the method justified in relation to validity of investigation Discussion of results related to niche Significance of findings in relation to the ecological niche

Early Civilizations Matrix Essay

Affirmative Action The purpose of this paper is to review the subject of affirmative action, and the policies that go along with it. The paper will be recommending to a board of directors that their business implement affirmative action policies. This argument will be supported by points and facts that are in favor of the implementation. It will also fairly discuss points against the implementation of affirmative action. The paper will cover points about how affirmative action policies relate to compliance with the equal opportunity laws. Before getting to far ahead, it is important to make sure that there is a valid understanding of what affirmative action actually is, and what its policies stand for. What is affirmative action? Affirmative action means that steps are taken to help increase the representation of women, and other minorities in areas like education, employment, and business. These are all areas from which they have typically and historically been excluded. It is when these steps involve preferential treatment or selection based on gender, race, and ethnicity then the concept of affirmative action becomes controversial (Affirmative Action, 2001). History of affirmative action In 1961, then President John F. Kennedy issued executive order 10925 against American Lexicon. The order gave the first mention of affirmative action.  The purpose of the order was to end discrimination within the business (Nittle, n.d.). Next, three years later in 1964, The Civil Right Act came out. The goal of the Civil Right Act of 1964 was to stop employment and public accommodations discrimination (Nittle, n.d.). Following the Civil Right Act of 1964, President Lyndon Johnson, who took office after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, issued executive order 11246. This order required federal contractors to practice affirmative action, to help develop diversity within the workplace and help end race based discrimination, and other forms of discrimination (Nittle, n.d.). Before these amendments were signed into action, you had other key events that took place as well. For example, the case of Brown v Board of Education. This case was about an African American girl who wanted to attend a white public school, and was denied admittance. This case helped overturn a prior case Plessy v Ferguson. Plessy v Ferguson stated that a separate but equal America was constitutional (Nittle, n.d.). Brown v Board overturned that case by ruling that discrimination is a key aspect of racial segregation. Which meant that it violated the 14th Amendment (Nittle, n.d.). This decision started the countries goal to promote diversity in schools and various other places (Nittle, n.d.). This was a very important legal, as well as ethical case. It helped kick start the changes to people’s thought processes. Why affirmative action? Now that a bit of history on affirmative action has been covered, it is important to look at why affirmative action policies should be put into action at your company. Affirmative action would be very beneficial to your company for many reasons. It allows for a more diversified workplace, it is a way to allow all races to have equal rights, it shows that everyone has the ability to be great at their job, that people can be more productive by sharing various thoughts, plans, and ideas for the betterment of not only the company, but themselves as well, regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity. This company should hire people based on things like their level of experience and skill, and whether they have the aspects necessary for that  position. The hiring process should not be based on the person’s racial or ethnic background, or whether they are a male or a female. People should be comfortable enough that when they apply for a position within your company they do not worry about whether or not they are being discriminated against. All that should matter is that they have the skills necessary to do the job to the best of their ability. Not whether or not they are the proper gender or if they are the right ethnicity. If someone applies for a job at your company, and they feel they may have been discriminated against, and then they ask you about it, if you dont give them a reasonable response or answer them correctly it can cause problems for the company. Whether it be through long bitter court battles, or just the company gains a bad name for even potentially being prejudiced or biased. Employment discrimination against women and minorities is something that has gone on for a very long time. Government reports show that the pay, as well as job opportunities for minorities is smaller than that of white or Caucasian ethnicity ( Bohlander & Snell, 2007). If your company implements affirmative action, it can be beneficial from the outside and inside as well. One thing that needs to be done to begin the action, is to develop a plan. Your company needs to have a written statement showing commitment to the idea of affirmative action. You should look at where the company stands in terms of women and minorities that you have employed. By doing so, it will allow for you to see where changes, if any, need to be made. Once you see where the improvements and changes are, you need to take the right steps to make sure these changes are made. While making these changes, you have to make sure that no other race or gender within your employee base was mistreated, or undervalued in any way due to the affirmative action plan. Equal employment opportunity law According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Law, all businesses have an obligation to uphold. They are not to judge a potential employee based on ones race, gender, age, etc. This is a very important aspect of affirmative action. You have to make sure that your company understands and follows the  policy ( Bohlander & Snell, 2007). The court system is always interpreting the employment law. If changes are made, then it is the manager of your company’s responsibility to change the company’s employment guidelines to follow the court ruling (Bohlander & Snell, 2007). To help make sure that business do comply with the changes, and anti discrimination laws, the Equal Employment Opportunities Council was established to monitor that the guidelines are being followed (Bohlander & Snell, 2007). Benefits of affirmative action There are many benefits for your company to implementing an affirmative action plan. The employee’s themselves will benefit for instance, because minorities that are employed within your company have the chance to advance up the career ladder, and gain opportunities for promotions that they may not have had a chance of getting before. Your company shouldn’t be made up of one race, one ethnicity, or one gender because you think that one is better than the other. If a person has or gets a job, it should be due to their qualifications and abilities to do the job correctly. Not based on race or gender. The downfalls of affirmative action With almost any argument in favor of something, you are going to have opinions refuting the ideas. Some believe that affirmative action leads to reverse discrimination. That instead of being hired for their qualifications and skill, that they are hired based on religion, race, gender, etc. Opponents feel that it can make people turn against one another. Preventing the downfalls of affirmative action The cons of affirmative action can be avoided as long as your company takes the proper steps. The company needs to look for the best people for the unfilled positions, and do the proper training if needed. To help prevent your employees from feeling as if the only reason they got the job with your company was due to their gender or race, make sure that you let them know they were hired because they had the needed experience or qualifications and therefore they were the best match. It is important to make sure that your company sticks to the plan that was laid out in the beginning, to the affirmative action plan that was developed. You watch over all of your employees, and not just those who are impacted more by the plan, the work environment at your company should stay sustainable and comfortable for all employees. Conclusion Affirmative action would be a great idea for your company. The purpose of this presentation was to show both the pro’s and the con’s of implementing affirmative action within your company, which is hopefully what was done. The main thing to remember here is that the benefits to implementing affirmative action, strongly outweigh the pitfalls. Also, the opposition to the plan can be avoided by following your action plan, and the steps provided for avoidance of those downfalls. It is hoped that you will choose to use the affirmative action policy within your company, as it is something that will most definitely help and payoff in your company’s future. References: Bohlander, G. W., & Snell, S. A., (2007). Managing human resources (14th ed.). Florence, KY: Thomson Learning Higher Education. Nittle, N.K. (n.d.). Key events in affirmative action history. Retrieved from Affirmative action. (2001). Retrieved from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Seperating Metal Cations Using Paper Chromatography

Lab #3 Separating Metal Cations by Paper Chromatography Introduction/Purpose: In chemistry, it is important to effectively analyze the components in a given mixture. In order to do so, chemists will analyze a mixture either qualitatively or quantitatively using different methods and equipment. Qualitative analyses are subjective, and only gather â€Å"non-numerical† data such as the color, appearance, and smell of the components. This data is intended to obtain physical information on the components present.While quantitative analyses are objective, and use â€Å"numerical† data to gather the quantity of the components present. Quantitative data can be given in terms of height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, etc. Each method of data analyses provides chemists with specific types of information that can be used to draw conclusions about the experiments they have performed. This lab utilized both quantitative and qualitative data by using the Paper Chroma tography method for determining the metal cations present in an unknown sample.This was performed by using reagents that reacted with the metal cations deposited on the paper. The retention factor of each known cation was calculated in order to determine which metal cations were present in two unknown samples. Objective: Effectively use Paper Chromatography to analyze quantitative and qualitative data of different metal cations, in an effort to correctly identify two unknown samples of metal cations, by comparing them against a chromatogram with known component reactions.This lab also aids in better understanding the importance of developing a chemist’s observation and data recording methods, as some of the reactions are faint, or may degrade over a short period. Material & Equipment: 1) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2) 600 ml beaker 3) Plastic wrap 4) Rubber band 5) (3) Paper filters 6) (2) 11 x 14 cm pieces of chromatographic paper 7) Pencil 8) Metric ruler 9) Capilla ry tube 10) Paper towels 11) 10 ml of 6M HCL 12) 35 ml of Acetone ((CH3)2CO) 13) Metal cations- Iron(III), Cobalt(II), Nickel(II), and Copper(II) 14) Two unknown sample cations 5) Reagents: Potassium ferrocyanide, Potassium thiocynate in acetone, Dimethyl glyoxime in ethanol 16) 50 ml beaker with 25 ml of ammonium hydroxide 17) Fume hood Procedure/Methods: 1) *See the attached pre-lab outline for the procedure/order of operations used in completing this lab experiment* 2) *The procedure was altered at step #9 with direction from the lab instructor. Chromatogram #2 was not spotted with the four known metal cations. * Three pieces of filter paper were used to practice spotting with the four known metal cations.The filter paper was folded into four separate sections and a small sample of the known metal cation was spotted onto a marked point. This process was repeated for each piece of filter paper. Filter sample #1 was spotted using potassium ferrocyanide; filter sample #2 was spotted using potassium thiocynate in acetone; and filter sample #3 was spotted using dimethyl glyoxime in ethanol. Using three separate samples allowed the group to analyze the qualitative results (color change) of the interactions with each of the four metal cations.This provided preliminary data that was used to hypothesize which compound would be best to spot the known metal cations on chromatogram #1. After reviewing both the interaction results, and the retention values (RF), we then determined which reagent provided the most identifiable interaction with each of the metal cations. Equation 1. [pic] Data: *See attached Data Sheets* Results: The lab instructor reported the results of the correct unknown metal cations as follows: 1) Unknown #1 = Copper ) Unknown #2 = Iron and Nickel As shown on Data Sheet #2, our lab group concluded that the unknown metal cations were as follows: 1) Unknown #1 = Cobalt 2) Unknown #2 = Iron Qualitative Data (Chromatogram #1): The first observations made of chromatogram #1 were those of the physical changes in the color of the metal cations after they were exposed to the developing solvent. The colors observed for the metal cations were as shown by the corresponding bar graph in Figure 1 below.Copper = Light Brown, Nickel = Pink, Iron = Blue, and Cobalt = Green Quantitative Data (Chromatogram #1): After the qualitative observations were analyzed and recorded, the spotted sections of each metal cation were marked with a pencil at the highest migration distance of the substance. This measurement was then used in calculating the Rf value of each metal cation, using Equation 1 above, and represented in Figure 1 below. Copper = . 7, Nickel = . 1, Iron = 1, and Cobalt = . 5 Figure 1. [pic] Qualitative Data (Chromatogram #2):The first observations made of chromatogram #2 were those of the physical changes in the color of the metal cations after they were exposed to the developing solvent. The colors observed for the metal cations were as shown by the corresponding bar graph in Figure 2 below. Unknown #1 = Green, and Unknown #2 = Blue Quantitative Data (Chromatogram #1): After the qualitative observations were analyzed and recorded, the spotted sections of each metal cation were marked with a pencil at the highest migration distance of the unknown substance.This measurement was then used in calculating the Rf value of the unknown metal cations, using Equation 1 above, and represented in Figure 2 below. Unknown #1 = . 41 and Unknown #2 = . 91 Figure 2. [pic] Conclusion: The qualitative and quantitative data of the known metal cations from chromatogram #1 were used to determine the metal cations that composed Unknown sample #1 and #2, in chromatogram #2. Unknown #1 was developed using KSCN/acetone, and Unknown #2 was developed using K4Fe(CN)6. However, it is unknown why we chose to use that reagent as opposed to the other two available.It is also clear that a deviation from the procedure caused us to erroneously streak our chromatogram unknowns with only one reagent. Failing to spot and streak chromatogram #2 with all reagents prohibited our ability to analyze the sample after exposure to all reactions. As shown from the results of the filter paper samples, we were able to see qualitative changes on Fe, Cu, and Co with the use of potassium ferrocyanide, Fe, Cu, and Co with the use of potassium thiocynate in acetone, and Fe, Co, and Ni with the use of dimethyl glyoxime in ethanol.Although the colors in each reaction were different with each of the reagents used on the filter paper samples, the use of each reagent would have provided us with a number of visual changes to identify. Those observations would have been marked, and prompted more calculations of the Rf values associated with each reaction, allowing for a more thorough evaluation and determination of the unknown metal cations present.Although we were able to accurately detect the presence of Fe in unknown sample #2, it is evident that if the chromatogram had been exposed to the dimethyl glyoxime in ethanol, we would have detected the Ni as well. The exposure of the filter sample containing the Ni, to dimethyl glyoxime in ethanol, yielded the only visual reaction, out of all three reagents tested. This labs results further solidify the need to conduct the procedure as thoroughly as possible, and if there are feelings of inadequacy, we perform the procedures that we feel will enable us to procure the most accurate results.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Self Education Expenses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Self Education Expenses - Essay Example Her assert for a deduction is consequently restrained to the first branch of s 8-1(1) which allows loss or outgoing deductible to the extent that; It is adequate if the claimed expending is made "in the course of" gaining or giving rise to the taxpayer's measurable income (Ronpibon Tin NL v Federal Commissioner of Taxation) ( In the present case also it was proved that, what was creative of computable income was the Taxpayer's qualification to receive the Youth Allowance and having continued that qualification all through the appropriate period by fulfilling the activity test. The agreement of that trial, in turn, necessitated her to be entered in a course of education at an educational institution, to be taking on at least three-quarters of the usual amount of full-time study in value of the pertinent course for the period in question and to allow the Secretary to form the judgment that she was making acceptable progress for finishing the course. Actually in the present case, the taxpayer was not employed as a teacher nor was she employed in any other applicable capacity. These expenses were met by her in the course of qualifying for a Teacher's Higher Certificate. The tribunal stated that the applicant was required to be enrolled and make progress in full time study so that she is entitled to receive Youth Allowance. Under such circumstances the costs which she incurred in the course of her studies were allowable as a deduction. The fact that the applicant was enrolled at the Australian Catholic University was "a course of education at an educational institution" pursuant to s541B(5) of the SSA was agreed. The Federal court allowed the expenses in the present case to be deductible on the following grounds: ( a. Such expenditure was supplementary or essential to her gaining Youth Allowance. b. The Commonwealth was paying the taxpayer the Youth Allowance since she was a student; not for studying per se. c. The indispensable character of the taxpayer's expenditure lay in it been incurred in taking on her studies so as to allow her to discharge her course of study and acquire successive employment as a teacher; and d. The expenses were related to or supplementary to the taxpayer's course of study and not to the benefiting or getting of Youth Allowance income. 2. As the ATO is considering whether to appeal this decision, what legal arguments can it put forward in support of such an appeal Critically analyze whether you think these arguments will succeed if the decision is appealed. [Approx 1,000 words] Self education expenses to derive Youth Allowance income is an allowable deduction as ruled in the case of Anstis v FCT. The federal court had held that self education expenditure can be claimed by a taxpayer as deductible expenses. But such expenses had to be incurred as a necessity and also derived as an incident of computable income. In the case mentioned supra the assessable income was the Youth Allowance. In the present case the assessee claimed for a deduction of $920.00 for work-related self-education expenses. The law of Australia lays down that a taxpayer can claim deduction of self education

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Finance College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Finance College - Essay Example Thus, the returns from fixed income securities remain unchanged over the period for which they are invested in. Beyond the period or before the period of investment, the rates would be prone to vary. Changes in the reserve ratio (CRR) stipulated by the Reserve/Federal Bank lead to changes in the rate of interest/ returns for the investor. A shift in the global economy and change in the CRR of the banks in the country which has a dominant role in the global economy can influence the interest rates in other countries too. An investor has a choice of investing in various assets over time. He can invest in movable assets like securities, stocks, fixed deposits and immovable assets like land, buildings etc. Each class of investment has its own risks and returns. The returns from each asset would also vary from time to time, depending on various socio-political, economic and geographical factors. The capital markets offer a wide range of investment options like shares, stocks, debentures, fixed income securities etc. While shares and stocks are high risk-high return instruments, bonds and fixed income securities are safer modes of investment. Capital markets typically tend to move in cycles or phases, called bull and bear phases . A bull market is one in which the majority of the shares move up and there is ample capital appreciation for the investor. A bear phase is one in which there is a negative trend and the prices of shares fall. There is erosion in value of the holding and the investor might not even get back his initial investment amount. The returns in a bull market have been known to be as high as 500-1000% in some cases, while the losses in a bear market have forced several investors to go bankrupt and sell whatever other assets they were holding as investments. Many a times, the economy of the country itself has had to undergo a substantial loss due to the fluctu ations in the capital markets. Fixed income securities are one of the most innovative and dynamic instruments evolved in the financial system ever since the inception of money. Based as they are on the concept of interest and time-value of money, Fixed income securities personify the essence of innovation and transformation, which have fueled the explosive growth of the financial markets over the past few centuries., accessed on 27th Aug.,2008. A wise investor would have a combination of investments which give fixed and variable returns over a period of time. The risks involved in investing in stocks are offset by the returns from fixed income securities. Depending on the disposable income, age of the investor and risk-taking capacity of the investor, a financial planner would

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Dance teaching statement Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dance teaching - Personal Statement Example Neither does it purely encompass the sheer emotion obtained therein. It is more than just that. Dancing shapes one’s identity and personality and in essence, their destinies too. It leaves one completely transformed in a way that they will view certain important aspects of life in a different light that can only serve to advance them to better grounds and fortune. The process of learning dance itself is an unceasing activity that ensues throughout one’s life. It is therefore the work of the dance teacher to elicit this deep lifelong passion and determination in the students so that to the learner, dancing becomes a way of life and a vital necessity as taking breath. To achieve this desire in students, proper, endearing and encouraging communication with the students is inevitable and extremely relevant. As a dance teacher, I must strive first and foremost to evoke this deep connection in the students with the art of dance so that they can do their best without any coercion or feeling of duty. My students must enjoy dance and use the skills in every aspects of their livelihoods. It becomes ingrained into who they are and an effortless means of communication. I have learned and partaken of dancing for a period of two decades now. In addition to this, I have enrolled and completed courses in modern dancing in college for a period of four years. During this time, I have learnt a lot of modern dance techniques and can comfortably teach numerous arts such as the ballet with a modern touch to it. I want to teach solid and professional level ballet technique. My goal is to teach the importance of hard work in whatever aspects of life one is faced with through dance – be it in careers, studies, relationships, leadership, entrepreneurship, and so on. Dancing is life. The learning process and the practice of dancing are rich in information, solid

Monday, August 26, 2019

David Coles Interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper Essay

David Coles Interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper - Essay Example However, I feel that when you carry out research like how Cole did you need to be authentic yourself before other people can acknowledge the seriousness of your study. Cole had disguised himself as a Jew, even though he didn’t believe in the Jews. I understand why he did it. Instead he could have approached the research by identifying himself as someone who is truly interested in the holocaust history. He pretended to be a righteous Jew because he has assumed the official will not give accurate information. This they did anyways. Furthermore, his discovery of the gas chambers and their actual function as disinfestation chambers came about through detailed evaluation of the sites instead of from people he interviewed. There is no reason to disguise. As far as the evidence he got from his research that the gas chambers during the World War 2 had been actually disinfestation chambers. Cremation and gassing infrequency show that the myth of millions of Jews died during the War had been false. I agree that most of the evidence do not collaborate with the so called history presented by Jews to the world. Coles evidence indicates that there is a need to re-evaluate the holocaust

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Bauhaus by Walter Gropius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bauhaus by Walter Gropius - Essay Example Looking out from the building means seeing lines that obstruct the windows and frame them into multiple small panels. The building uses long floors through which the experience of being on the interior reflects a restricted, ordered feeling, based upon the way in which the exterior seems to promote long rectangular shapes. Movement inside the building would provide a reflection of the exterior through interior spaces that are interpreted as a reflection of the continuation of that aesthetic. From the external descriptive perspective, Gropius’ work reflects the avant-garde elements of architecture that arose through the period of the Modernists. The World Heritage List reports that â€Å"It made a major contribution to breaking ‘the power of tradition’, not only in the field of architecture, but also in the design of articles of everyday use and in advertising, creating a new language of form†. The period in which it was built was processing the world throug h an understanding of industrialization and human beings as they fit into an industrialized world. The intention of the work was to reflect a fusion of craft and industry, supporting the concept that â€Å"there is no distinction between monumental and decorative art†. The new aesthetics that were being taught at the time that this building was constructed were based upon the idea that the old world ideas about craft could be implemented into new world ideals that used modern materials and high quality craft, but reflected the aesthetics of the manufactured.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Research Report - Essay Example Of course the products required customer service. And Apple Inc. positioned Customer Technical Support mostly in the USA but partly outsourced to India because of the 50% lower cost. In the US alone, there are about 10,000 AppleCare Advisors applications in 24 States aside from 3,300 home based Advisors, and 600 part-time employees who are college students. In 2010, Apple Inc. realized 58% of total revenues from countries outside of the USA (Kane and Rohwedder 2010). The management therefore launched iPhone 4 in 88 countries to compete against other brands of iPhones manufactured by other companies. In 2009, Apple Inc.’s iPhone 3GS reached 64 countries. Unlike the Apple Macintosh computers which could not compete, the iPod music players of Apple Inc., the iPad Tablet Computers, and the iPhones were able to penetrate the international markets. And the sales of Apple Inc. are gradually being improved via retails stores specialized with Apple products. It was done through aggress ive marketing effort wherein new stores of Apple Inc. in places like London and Shanghai accounted for more than 50% of all the new stores of the industry wherein Apple Inc. belongs. By May 2013, as a result of sustained globalization effort to penetrate the markets in many countries, Forbes (2013) identified Apple Inc. as the # 1 most powerful brand in the world, # 1 in market value, # 2 in profits earned, # 26 most innovative company, # 15 in sales, and # 15 in the world’s top 2000 global companies. The products sold are made up of mobile phones, portable media, personal computers, music players that are digital and portable, software, services, and peripherals. Well known brands that were sold included the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, iOS, iCloud, iTunes, iBookstore, and so on. Apple Inc. capitalization exceeded $ 400 billion. And the channels of distribution now include direct sales aside from online sales and actual retail stores. Wholesales and resellers were tapped along wi th cellular network carriers.. Technology, as a whole, has been changing the lifestyle, pace, and pattern of people in different parts of the globe. For example, in April 24, 2013, software developers around the globe will learn from Apple Inc. engineers about deploying followed by integrating iOS and OS X technologies in 100 sessions during a conference in June 10-14, 2013. Programmers worldwide will gain the knowledge of creating new features and applications from that Worldwide Developers’ Conference directly from 1,000 Apple engineers who will be there to teach programmers in hands-on laboratories. Such an opportunity to be updated in terms of technology normally takes many months or even years of further education via schools or online universities. This will take only days. And the value for participants will be in the form of better business performance through better services to customers who need improvements in their Apple devices. (Apple Inc. 2013b) Just to give an idea of the size of that business opportunity from just one application alone, the well-known iTunes, Apple Inc. (2013c) reported that over 25 billion musical downloads had been sold worldwide by the online iTune Stores for nusic, TV shows, and movies. The store averages 15,000 iTune songs being downloaded per minute. The owner

Friday, August 23, 2019

Case AnalyzesSaftey Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case AnalyzesSaftey Memo - Essay Example The participants should be more, in fact all of the employees doing weight lifting should be part of the training session to avoid ailments of back strain and Hernia. In my opinion most of the on job training program is unstructured and inefficient and it will not benefit the employees and in turn the organization. I feel there is a dire need of a more efficient on job training program in the organization because the on job training program is to further the skills of the employees, be it technical or managerial. These employees do not necessarily need professional degrees or diplomas from renowned universities. Hence, the on job training program should be changed in order to suit the organizational needs. The reason why the training program has not changed yet is that the organization has become complacent to the conventional methods of safety. The reliance on old methods also fostered with the perception that there is hardly any need to change organizational structure or policies have made the progress towards revamping the safety methods used in the organization. I feel it is an imperative to have a more revived employee orientation program because the employees do not need a lecture in a monotone voice, the job of the facilitator is not just tell what is needed but it is to deliver in a way to motivate employees to work accordingly. Therefore, the question is not whether the material delivered is right or wrong, the question is whether what is delivered will be implemented or not, what seems is that Bill's monotone lecture delivery fiasco, no one will feel the need to change their conventional means of doing business. 3. What changes should be made in the company's safety training program The objective of the safe lifting technique is to reinforce techniques that can prevent back strains or back injuries. If this issue of safe lifting technique is not addressed then the potential injuries like back strain which results from improper over-stretching and lifting weighting that is beyond one's capacity can arise. Another potential injury is that of Hernia, it is an injury that results from continued over exertion. The changes that I like to propose for the company's on job training program are: 1) The training should be on an ongoing basis, not a one minute lecture in a monotone voice. The training should be taken seriously, and should be inclusive of a lot of participants not just 14 people from the

Iraq culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Iraq culture - Assignment Example They respect authority and follow it. In terms of the individualism dimension, Iraq can be considered a collectivistic society (Geert, n.d.). Loyalty in the family is given much importance. Each individual is responsible for their fellow members in a group. In the masculine/feminine dimension, Iraq scored high which implies that it is a masculine society (Geert, n.d.). Those who are leaders in the organization must be decisive and assertive (Geert, n.d.). Competition, performance and success are relevant in the society. Iraq has a high preference for avoiding uncertainty as evidenced in its high score in uncertainty avoidance dimension. Iraq is guided by strict codes of behaviors and beliefs and any changes in these codes may not be welcome. Iraqis value hard work, precision and punctuality (Geert, n.d.). Iraq scored low in the long term orientation dimension which means that theirs is a short term orientation culture (Geert, n.d.). Moreover, they respect and value their traditions. They do not feel the need to save as their orientation is geared on the present. There is also strong social pressure to meet the standards of other people. Compared to Iraq’s culture, the Americans value innovation. They always want to have the latest and most modern technology. On the other hand, Iraqis are more conservative. They stick to tradition and would find it difficult to adhere to any changes in their lifestyle. One is surprised how Iraq’s culture values their family, religion and their traditions. They are strongly bound by the Muslim religion. They give importance to cooperation unlike the Americans who are more individualistic. This can be observed in the higher score of America in terms of the individualism dimension as compared with that of Iraq. Another major difference in the culture of Iraq and America as shown in the Hofstede model and which surprised one is

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Swimming Essay Example for Free

Swimming Essay Physical demands of swimming are/power to pull yourself through the water quickly, flexibility to perform the different strokes properly, CRE to push your body harder for longer, LME because your arms and legs are constantly working. Reaction time determines how quickly you react to the start of a race, co-ordination/timing to perform strokes properly, motivation is needed in the longer distance swims e.g. 800.1500,determination you won’t win a race if you don’t want it, confidence you need to be confident in your own ability and not worry about anyone else. Skills involved in the activity are tumble turns, starts and technique, tumble turns is were you could lose a race they need to be fast and you must get distance of the wall, starts are just as important you need to be fast and get good distance reaction time is vital for starts, there are two kinds of starts:1-standing on the blocks 2- back crawl starts are in the water holding onto the blocks and throwing yourself of in a streamlined position, technique determines how efficient and fast your are in the water/ butterfly is possibly the hardest because you need strength to pull yourself up and through the water and co-ordination is needed to help the stroke flow. Race strategies/ If its is a sprint event e.g. 50,100 I like to go full out! Longer distances e.g. 200,400,800,1500 I go out fast on the first 25: fast pace in the middle; and a 50m sprint to finish. If the event is an I.M I will swim to my advantages. I prefer individual sports as opposed to team games because you control your own race and you don’t rely on anyone else. Social factors which help me participate in the activity are self-confidence, self esteem, One aspect of fitness that is important to my activity is CRE, a fitness test I did to establish this was a speed endurance set. The set was as follows- 5x 400 alt I.m f/c on 6:00 10200 alt f/c b/c on 3:00 20x 100 f/c on 1:45. 9,000 meters in total plus warm up and cool down. My performance in Buckie in April was a learning point for me because there was things I could have done better to improve my races, I got 1 pb and 1 DQ . My strengths were good warm ups, butterfly, starts, eating and sleeping, the weaknesses were turns, sprinting, concentration, confidence, I doubted my own ability and this resulted in me not performing my best. I wasn’t well prepared and hadn’t trained for the event which possibly affected my race as well. A tumble turn Preperation/ practice swimming and somersaulting in the middle of the pool before you approach the wall try this a few times until you are confident Action/Maintain speed approaching the wall keep arms at sides after the last two strokes. Tuck head to chest rotate hands and push down with palms while using a small dolphin kick to engage your core then flip feet over the surface of the water. Plant feet on the wall with knees bent, stretch arms above head into a streamlined position and push off the wall facing the surface of the water. Recovery/During streamline, use core strength to rotate upper torso then lower torso to return facing the bottom of the pool. After a few fly kicks return to the surface of the water and continue swimming.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Toyota Knowledge Management

Toyota Knowledge Management In present, most of the management professionals and academics have distinguished knowledge as a significant source of competitive advantage. Potentially, it is a substantial resource to a firm as it includes precious, unusual, unique and non-commutable features and an implicit aspect. Importance of knowledge is increasing day by day in the society and due to this a shift is occurring in individuals thinking regarding business innovations. These innovations can be technical, process or product innovation and strategic or operational. Innovations due to knowledge-based organizations are occurring all over the world and similar is the situation with Toyota Motor Corporation that is discussed in this report. In this report, existing knowledge management practices of Toyota Motor Corporation is discussed along with the interventions that it can use to improve its present KM practices and strategies. In this report, intervention proposed for Toyota is the use of KM as a management tool. As well, here, elements that are essential for effective KM strategy are also given so that the company can develop a new and much more effective KM strategy to deal with its existing KM flaws. The report provides all inclusive information about Toyotas past knowledge management strategies and some new effective strategies that it can used to make effective use of knowledge and its related aspects. Introduction The field of knowledge management has developed in concern to the management of the data, information and knowledge within an organization and as well as employing it to gain competitive advantage (Armistead 1999, p. 143). Knowledge management basically comprises of procedures and tools to efficiently captivate and share data. As well, it is also related to the potential use of knowledge of individuals within a firm. From last several years there have been serious discussions on the significance of knowledge management (KM) in our society (Hicks, Dattero Galup 2006, p. 19). Almost all researchers, scholars and management science professionals agree that substantial transformation had occurred and management of knowledge had become crucial. The excessive business operations failures, due to the traditional modes of operations have intensified the significance of knowledge and its management (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 204). In the increasing competitive situation, KM and associated strategy concepts had become essential and significant components for present organizations to survive and maintain their position in the long run (Armistead 1999, p. 143). Due to the significance and advantages of KM, it has become vital for executives and managers to deal with KM and related strategies. Nowadays, it is considered as a precondition for attaining higher productivity and flexibility in both the private and the public sector firms due to its significant advantages (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 204). Toyota Motor Corporation also makes use of knowledge management for managing its different business operations and processes. With this the company has become able in gathering, organizing, sharing and analyzing its knowledge in regard to resources, documents, and people skills. Here, in this paper the current role of KM in Toyota will be analyzed along with the specific recommendations in the form of new interventions will be presented to the company. This will enhance companys ability to manage all its resources in a way through which, it can enhance its knowledge organization and sharing (Wiig1997, p. 7). Existing Knowledge Management Plan of Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation has attained immense growth from the time of its initiation and with this the company have also confronted several troubles related to expansion and its management. In starting the company use to develop and produce cars only in Japan and export in some abroad countries but with increasing demand and globalization it started operating in several different foreign markets. With this increase in its operations base, the company confronted troubles related to management of its resources. For resolving this trouble the company made use of knowledge management as it become aware with its significance and need (Ichijo Kohlbacher 2006). The company operations started growing significantly and in this concern it also made use of several advanced approaches like lean production, total quality management etc. All these approaches assisted the company in attaining a significant place in emerging markets. In addition to these approaches, the company also understood the significance of knowledge and its use for company and its employees management (Armistead 1999, p. 143). The company understood that managing knowledge among its organization is essential and for this it adopted several knowledge management approaches like development of knowledge sharing networks and use of tactic knowledge (Pena 2002, P. 470). Knowledge Management The company management is aware with the fact that the creation of knowledge is not only an aggregation of information but it is a distinctive human process that cannot be decreased or replicated easily. The company management tries to alter data into information that can be used a knowledge for all by collection, organizing, summarizing, analyzing, synthesizing and making final decision (Alwis Hartmann 2008, p. 134). Management of Toyota is also aware that effective management of knowledge is essential that includes knowledge creation, sharing, security, and abandonment (Wang Ahmed 2005, p. 327). All this relies on enabling context that can be developed with the help of significant knowledge enablers that are as follows: Introducing a knowledge vision Handling conversations Displacing knowledge reformers Establishing appropriate context Globalizing local knowledge (Ichijo Kohlbacher 2006). All these knowledge enablers are introduced by Toyota that evidences its knowledge management practices. Although Toyota Motor Corporation has adopted a significant approach towards knowledge management and knowledge sharing but still it is not able to effectively manage knowledge among all its resources (Towill 2010, p. 335). Nowadays, the company is operating in different foreign markets but still it is not able to improve its production efficiency and quality and it is all because of lack of knowledge management and knowledge sharing (Bailey Clarke 2000, p. 236). The company management has still not gone through the fundamental issues of knowledge sharing or organizational learning that are key drivers behind a firms significant attainments. For attaining assured success in 21st century it is essential that its leaders develop intellectual capital with the help of knowledge creation and sharing on an international basis. The company had to work hard in the direction of knowledge sharing as its main issues are related to knowledge sharing. If company adopts effective approaches and networks it can easily resolve its issues related to knowledge sharing that in turn will render it with competitive advantage (Pena 2002, P. 470). For successful execution and operations, it is essential that the Toyota Motor Corporation significantly improves its knowledge management issues. Without this, it would not be possible for the company to manage its leading position in the long run as now knowledge has become crucial for running a business successfully (Randeree 2006, p. 145). The company had effective knowledge management plan but it is lacking at some aspects that if improved can deliver it with substantial advantages of knowledge management and business operations management (Jost 2010). Knowledge Management Interventions for Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation that is the Japans largest company and the worlds second leading automobile company is known as the worlds paramount knowledge company (Jost 2010). Till now, the company has three times, won the Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Survey 4. As well as, it is also a five-time winner of the MAKE Japan Survey. This award is given for the unique practices in the field of Knowledge Management. These awards were given on the basis of measures like knowledge-based culture and products, knowledge sharing and cooperation and organizational learning (Bateman n.d.). All these aspects were managed effectively but still the company need to take extra efforts as it is lacking in some aspects of knowledge management. The most substantial aspect that needs to be improved is sharing knowledge and it can be done only if knowledge management is used as a management tool. The most substantial KM intervention that can be used by Toyota Motor Corporation is the use of KM as a management tool (Jost 2010). By making use of knowledge management as a management tool, the company can effectively improve all its existing flaws of KM in regard to its business operations. In addition to this by understanding the concept of intellectual capital also the company can improve its KM practices. The company management needs to understand that KM is a vital part of the wide concept intellectual capital because KM itself is about the management of the intellectual capital. Intellectual capital can be understood with the help of two terms strategy and measurement (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 205). Strategy pertains to the formation and utilization of knowledge and as well on the association between knowledge and value creation (Rao 2005). Other aspects of intellectual capital that is measurement concentrates on the development of new information systems that are proficient to measure non-financial data along with traditional financial data (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 206). The abstract bases of intellectual capital that can be used by Toyota can be understood in this figure. The company management should try to make attempts for exploring the creation and use of knowledge in a way through which it can be leveraged into value as given in the figure. By managing intellectual capital the company can significantly enhance its existing knowledge management practices and improve the flaws in KM. This will also assist the company in making use of KM as a management tool that is essential for making it effective in all aspects of a business (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 206). Knowledge Management as a Management Tool: Usually, KM is depicted as a management tool but it is made up of two aspects in which first is KM as an informational handling tool or operational tool and second is as a strategically focused management tool. By managing KM as operational and strategically focussed management tool, Toyota can easily increase knowledge sharing and organizational learning among its business processes (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 209). If company and its management handle both the aspects of KM, it can significantly attain all essential benefits of KM for its business and its assured growth. Knowledge Management as an Information Handling Tool In the field of knowledge management, knowledge is usually considered as an information handling trouble. It basically includes the formation, organization and utilization of knowledge (Morey, Maybury Thuraisingham 2002). Toyota Motor Corporation also need to use KM as an information handling tool that can be done by managing different but associated stages. In the first stage, the company should acquire information and in the second stage the collected information should be entered into storage system and then need to be structured rationally (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 209). KM is all about the attainment and reposition of employees knowledge and making this information available to others so that they can also use it. This can be done by making use of several advanced technologies like Internet and databases. In this way, the company can transform tactic knowledge to explicit knowledge that can be used by everyone for increasing their efficiency and productivity (Rao 2005). By storing information in several company databases the company need to initiate third stage that is related to make stored information accessible to maximum employees of the firm (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 209). Knowledge Management Stages This third stage is related to the maximum delivery and use of information. In the last stage, the company management can significantly utilize information. This process of information utilization can be commenced by employees sharing knowledge and socialising with each other. As well as information can also be utilized or shared through digital and in analogue pattern. Knowledge Management as a Strategic Management Tool: The next substantial aspect of KM that needs to be managed by Toyota is KM as a strategic management tool. It is said by management professionals that effective knowledge management begins with a strategy. In concern to a KM strategy, knowledge is distinguished as a most valuable and less used resource (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 210). For improving knowledge sharing and existing knowledge management practices, it is essential that the company improve its existing KM strategy as it plays a substantial role in successful knowledge management. For creating an effective KM strategy, the company need to develop systems that significantly capture and reassign internal knowledge into unique practices. The company management need to consider all of its aims, objectives and anticipated results in regard to KM as it varies for organization (Rao 2005). Sometime, KM can be worked out as a way to enhance performance, productivity, collaboration and competitiveness and sometimes it may be used for meliorating effective attainment, sharing and utilization of information within the company (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 210). In addition to this it can also be used as a technique for enhanced decision making, a tool to captivate unique practices, a way to become an innovative firm etc. The purpose of employing and using KM should be clear as in this way only the company can effectively manage its KM practices and strategy. By working on all these things, the company can develop an effective KM strategy (Reimer Karagiannis 2006). Recommended Strategies for Implementing Proposed Interventions For implementing proposed interventions, the Toyota Motor Corporation needs to consider following elements and strategies: Interrogative Questions and Assessments: First substantial element that should be included by Toyota at the time of creating and implementing its KM strategy is interrogative questions and assessments. The company management should associate its KM strategy with what it wants to attain as well as with it aim and objectives. This can be done with the help of interrogation and assessments of different aspects like what company want to attain and in which aspect it wants improvement (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 211). How its KM strategy will render it towards benefits and increase in employees performance etc. By identifying the answers of all these questions, the company can develop an effective KM strategy. Effective Communication: In most of the companies effort to implement KM strategy, a significant problem that has occurred is about ineffective communication. For successful implementation, effective communication is essential and similar is the case with Toyota (Hlupic 2003). For its successful KM strategy implementation, the company should develop an effective communication plan that should be flexible enough to adopt changes in communication pattern at the time of critical business decisions. Well developed communication plan will also help the company in increasing its knowledge sharing and becoming a learning organization (Morey, Maybury Thuraisingham 2002). Top Management Support: For successful implementation of KM strategy, it is essential that the company management have significant support from its top management. The company management should try to convince top management for promoting procedures that will prop up learning and sharing. Top management should be convinced in a way that it helps in setting-up fund knowledge networks and promotes further improvements (Reimer Karagiannis 2006). If, Toyota become able to receive full support from its top management it will substantially become able in developing and implementing a successful KM strategy (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 211). Significance of People and Culture: The next substantial element in concern to the development and implementation of an effective KM strategy is people and culture. Successful execution of KM is significantly associated with a firms people and culture. The management of Toyota also needs to develop an effective association between its KM strategy implementation its people and culture. By focussing on its employees and their significant role, the company can have a distinctive KM strategy implementation (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 211). The company that concentrates on its people and culture are much more able to attain its goals in comparison to the firm that concentrates more on technology. This should also be understood by Toyota and then only it will become proficient in the thriving implementation of its KM strategy (Jasimuddin 2008, p. 59). By understanding that the people and culture plays a central role in the creation of thriving knowledge based firm the company management can easily resolve all its people and cultural related issues. These issues are vital to be handled in a timely manner as otherwise it may direct company towards several disadvantages (Morey, Maybury Thuraisingham 2002). Adoption of Creativity: The next substantial element that should be considered by Toyota for improving its existing KM practices is the inclusion of creativity as it is vitally linked with strategy. By establishing a link between strategy and creativity, the company will become able in maintaining its position in the long run (Hlupic 2003). By associating KM and creativity, the company management can attain business creativity so it is essential to consider creativity at the time of developing a KM strategy. Creation of Learning Networks: One more critical element of KM is the creation of learning networks so that employees can learn from each other and maximize their knowledge. By creating learning networks, Toyota can also resolve its existing troubles of knowledge sharing and becoming a learning organization (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 212). In present employees of the company are not so focussed but by evidencing them KM benefits, they can be encouraged for the development of learning networks. Significance of Sharing Knowledge: Another important element that needs to be included by Toyota at the time of developing and implementing its KM strategy is sharing knowledge. The company strategy is lacking in concern to this element and should work hard for improving it and including it in its KM strategy. Nowadays, it is seen that employees does not prefer to share their knowledge with other due to increasing competition (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 211). Management of the company should try to build a positive environment in which everyone like to share knowledge with others so that they can increase their knowledge (Liebowitz 1999). In this concern, the company management should try to share existing knowledge with its new and present employees through groups discussions and regular seminars. They should try to develop an open and flexible environment in which everyone has intensity to increase its existing knowledge base. By adopting these approaches employees habit of sharing knowledge can be intensified in a significant way. Appropriate Incentives to Employees: The next critical element in regard to KM strategy is the creation of appropriate incentives for employees to share and implement knowledge. In present, Toyotas reward system does not support its sharing knowledge culture so by making changes in it, the company can improve its troubles related to sharing knowledge. The company management should try to develop a reward system that encourages its employees to use their expertise and understand the importance of KM (MaÊrtensson 2000, p. 212). All aspects related to employees and their knowledge sharing should be involved in company reward system as it may come from any level of organizational structure (Despres Chauvel 1999, p. 112). Effective Evaluation System: The last substantial element that is vital to consider is the employment of effective evaluation system for evaluating the efforts made in the direction of making use of KM. The creation of system can range from informal to formal system. Toyota should also develop effective evaluation system so that all its knowledge practices and strategies can be evaluated in a timely manner and deliver effective use of KM (Reimer Karagiannis 2006). By following all these elements, the company can develop an effective KM strategy that in turn will assist Toyota in sharing knowledge and creating a learning organization. KM as a management tool will direct Toyota towards the development of successful KM strategy and implementation (Liebowitz 1999). Conclusion With the help of above discussion, it becomes evident that the Toyota Motor Corporation needs to improve its existing KM practices and strategies. For this, the company should adopt suggested interventions that are related to use KM as a management tool. By making use of KM as a management tool the company will become able in resolving its difficulties related to operation and strategy (Reimer Karagiannis 2006). KM as a management tool will serve the company with an ability to handle its information handling issues and becoming strategically focussed (Quality Counts 2008). In this way, it can be said that Toyota should adopt the above discussed interventions and should try to develop a new and effective KM strategy. For the development of effective KM strategy the company should consider all the above discussed elements as it will render it with specific and distinctive approach to KM and its utilization. By adopting recommended strategies the company can develop a new and more effective KM strategy that will help it in resolving all existing KM related issues like knowledge sharing and becoming a learning organization (Liebowitz 1999). The proposed interventions will direct Toyota Motor Corporation towards the development of effective and distinctive KM strategy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Factors Influencing Procurement Route Construction Essay

The Factors Influencing Procurement Route Construction Essay Recent developments in the field of construction have led to a renewed interest in procurement which helps us to induce the technical complexities by organizing and delivering the construction projects using various specialised methods towards the priorities of the client. In addition, it creates perfect relationship between many organizations working on the project regarding their responsibilities and risks. This paper attempts to report the Principal of Heriot Watt University (HWU) about the advanced procurement strategic approach for the new auditorium which is planned to build at the HWU with supremacy. However, it comprises of 200 comfortable tiered seating providing excellent visibility, high specification technology, multimedia theatre with air conditioning, a full size interactive screen and computer driven presentation facilities. 2.1 Assumptions It is required from the initial stage of the project which clearly paves the way for the satisfactory completion of the project. The following assumptions are considered in this report. Capital Cost Cash flow is energetic in the organisations which determine the size of the project which is considered primarily. Likewise, updated cost information was shared by the quantity surveyor to the client who correlates them to the contractor. Recent evidence suggests that during urgency the implication of cost is partially neglected whereas the initial cost and lifecycle cost is always preferred. Time The two main factors governing the time of the project are Design of the project and Methods adapted in the construction site by the contractor. Data from several sources identified that above features are considered accordingly to the clients priority. Quality Quality depends upon the materials used during construction permitting the design specifications. Lifecycle costing is reflected in the quality of the construction work used to reduce the maintenance and replacement cost leading to the better economics overall in the future. The principle of procurement is the eternal triangle which favours the client towards high quality, lowest cost and short time period. All the three factors are mutually concerned in a project if one is given high preference then the other two will suffer. Performance It mainly relies upon the designer who prepares the plan and structural designs for the project, essential for aesthetic appeal and eco-friendly. The choice of materials and the constructors plays the key role in performance and also for the future maintenance and refurbishments. Risk Factors The common risks faced during the construction projects are ground conditions, artificial obstructions and defectiveness in workmanship, material tests and samples, weather. In addition, delay and disputes from both the parties, unapproved payments and the discrepancies from the Government policies and Law arbitration. Planning à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Early acquisition planning is done to select the procurement route. Environment à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Sustainable environment is attained through planning Flexibility à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Changes can be done in the on-going project or in future 3.1 Procurement Strategy In general procurement is defined as the obtaining of goods and services[1] which in construction field refers to the construction materials, plant and services in order to design, schedule, manage, organize, execute and commission the project until delivering to the client. A variety of method have been developed and introduced to assess building through procurement which is obtained by group of multiple organizations experience and expertise. The procurement strategy describes the contribution that the effective procurement will make to the fulfilment of the organizations vision and strategic objectives [a]. Secondly, procurement strategy identifies the main objectives, constraints, funding, and risk and asset ownership of the project which later enhances to achieve the target of the client. Besides, it promotes high standards of professionalism and high quality of management information. Furthermore, reduction in cost is attained through aggregated purchasing power and minimizes the exposure through effective risk management. 3.2 Necessity for Procurement To achieve the value for money To coordinate smoothly with the organizations and to supply focus on chain management To obtain sustainability by making value for money decisions over the life of the asset and not solely on capital costs [b]. To 3.3 Procurement Routes The procurement routes are accomplished with great involvement and knowledge of the individuals and organizations who worked in the industries for years in distinct disciplines. Procurement route is defined as the systems and procedures for commissioning the work. This route is concerned mainly for the strategic approach of the project which simplifies the construction execution by coordinating with the specialist teams of the project. 3.4 Factors influencing Procurement Route Central to the entire discipline of the procurement is the concept of assessment about the ability of the economic operators of the project to satisfy the requisite of the client. The key aspects of this route are employers requirements, tender period/contractors proposals, selecting the specialised contractor and construction. Into the bargain, the following factors are also taken care in this method such as cost certainty, cost reduction, contract period, quality and standards, constructability and litigation. As well as this route is concerned it depends upon the cost and time of the project at the expense of quality which is well suited for perfect carriage of the project. Next, the factors which encourages this route are listed below [3] User familiarity with design and build procurement arrangements Preference of a client or consultant The desire for the single point responsibility for the client Greater certainty of outcomes, initially and in the longer term Despite the fact, follows the present guaranteed maximum price (GMP) which is prepared at the time of agreement and if the contractor finishes the work below GMP then remaining amount will be shared between the client and contractor in most case. Situations Where Design Build Arrangement Used Widely In the case of simple and standard forms of construction are required. Example: Warehouses Where the building needs only minimum architectural works. Example: Farm buildings Where proprietary system is used in buildings as it reduces the design and approval time. Example: Buildings with Automations (such as automatic doors) Where the projects requires local contractor specialists. Example: Specialised in Flooring and Masonry To execute Fast-track projects Example: Hospitals In projects where cost certainty is most preferred. Example: Housing Units 3.5 Types of Procurement Route There is a large volume of published studies describing the role of procurement route obligatory for producing the required project outcomes and have a profound effect towards finishing point. In general there are many procurement routes available which are listed as follows: Traditional / Conventional Design and Build / Package deal arrangement Construction Management Management Contracting Two stage tender Turnkey Public Private Partnership Framework Agreement PFI/PPP Even though there are many routes available, traditional, design build, construction management and management contracting are the major methods used generally. On the other hand, according to my opinion for this auditorium project we can adopt Design and Build route or Traditional route. 3.5.1 Traditional Procurement Route This is the standard method which is in practice for the past 150 years in the construction industry. In this route the client appoints the contractor, architect and consultants to guide the project from the initial stage to pursue perfection in planning and design. Furthermore, the client owns the whole responsibility of the design and project team. Here the contractor involved in the tendering documentation and negotiation processes of the proposed project. The valuation and payment in the administrative department is authorised by clients consultants. To put in a nut shell this method benefits the client in cost and quality with some expense of time. Nevertheless, can be used in a number of situations on the basis of pricing results in a lump sum contract, a measurement contract or a cost plus contract and whether the project is a single one project or a part of a program under single specific term[c]. Secondly, for instance with reference to the proposed auditorium project the three organisers consultants, architect and contractor are employed initially and the project thoroughly managed by the client from the preliminary works. 3.5.2 Construction Management Route 3.5.3 Design and Build Procurement Route The Design Build method is one of the more practical ways of client friendly approach used worldwide to take particularly when the buildings to be produced are either very specialised, and the contractor is an expert in that speciality or when they are generic[d]. Initially, the concept aimed to reduce the conflicts that exist between the architect and the contractor which resulting in poor reputation for the construction project and gave great assurance the timely completion of work at lower cost. However, the client needs to consider the trio of design, cost and quality of the project in advance before employing the contractor. Besides, the desires of the employer (client) is clearly proposed to the contractor to make him/her fully involved in the project including both design and accomplishment which encourages least involvement of the client. The nature of this procurement route is minimizing the design deviations from the original design which aids in cost and time saving for t he employer. Moreover, one major issue in early procurement research is concerned is the quality which is rapidly growing because this method is popularly expanding towards profitability. To gain more projects and profits the design build contractual firms are focusing deeply on the quality in addition to time and cost which is a positive result in favour of this method. The client gets the total financial commitment in advance before the work is initiated and then the contractor shields the complexity of the client in the construction. At first this method is characterised by the tender documents which is developed according to the clients requirements which is published to welcome the different proposals from the potential contractors with numerous quotes of project rates. The potential contractor who wins the tender, meeting the clients priorities will be employed by the client to develop design and complete the design proposals. Here, the contractor performs solely under the client towards t he start of the project by having his own design team and construction team. On the contrary, the contractor is wholly responsible for the design, construction planning, organization and control of the project and also he has the upper hand to engage subcontractors and the specialist sub-contractors for the project. In some case, the client may/may not seek consultant to guide and supervise the contractors work in the project. . Implementation of the Design Build Procurement route As far as the auditorium in the HWU is alarmed the major thing to be considered was the time and cost of the project. If the proposal is given by the contractor it should be performed within the certain time limit such as the project must be finished in between the summer holidays because the students shouldnt grieve from the construction activities. Moreover, the proposed project should not exceed the financial budget of the university. Therefore, design build procurement method is highly recommended for this project which augments the successful completion of the project. However, if the university requires a consultant they can seek help from the Built Environment faculties to oversee the project which saves the consultant cost for the university. Benefits of this route There are several benefits why this route is adopted for this project which are responsible for successful completion of the project on time and for perfect delivery. It follows the two phase selection process that narrows the field of the final proposers to those that are most highly qualified based on experience, capability and capacity[e]. The intricacy in the technical aspects is fully eliminated because the contractor (single authority) is answerable for all the issues faced in the design and building of the project. The work moves forward speedily as there is no need for tendering again for the buildings. Because this method the contractor can reassure the client regarding the financial help needed for the project, how to receive the funding from the lenders as he is aware and well experienced in the field There is no need that a client should be an experienced individual in the construction field as contractor hold the whole obligation. As the contractor is involved from the very beginning he can produce specialised construction knowledge and methods. There is a direct link between the client and the contract as there is an agreement signed before the start of the project. The time consumption is less in this route, as the traditional methods are eliminated in this process. As cost certainty is major concern for this route which benefits the client both economically and technically. There is a possibility of dropping pre tendering and initial tendering costs. The functional building at the reasonable cost can be achieved. As the contractor is in charge for all sub-contractor appointments the client can escape and escape from those burden. Also there are no claims for the contractor if he/she fails to meet the clients needs and has a delayed in time for completion. Following this method maximum risk is transferred, although commercial response in design in order to address contract conditions can result[d]. Many argue that this route agonises from lack of architectural merits, but the fact is it clearly benefits the client by disregarding the risks which arises from those designs. Criticism Faced in this Route Although this method has a huge number of benefits it also suffers from some common drawback such as, Since this route is using simplified construction formats and activities there might be reduction in design quality. Neglecting the innovative design is highly followed in this method which results in the discouragement of architects innovations. The contractors view is always on the capabilities of the firm instead of the requirements of the client. The aesthetic appearance of the project is surrendered towards the cost effective solutions and easy work executions. The long term life and maintenance of the building is not considered by the contractor because low cost budget. The influence of contractor over the quantity surveyor leads to some controversial happenings/activities at the time of payment approval. Bibliography Dunican Cartlidge (2009). Quantity Surveyors Pocket Book. Great Britain: Elsevier Ltd. 197. Allan Ashworth (2006). CONTRACTURAL PROCEDURES IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited. 77.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Analysis of Spring In War Time by Edith Nesbit :: essays research papers

Spring In War-Time by Edith Nesbit is a very moving poem. It describes nature in such a beautiful way, and then goes on to say how, to her, it is not beautiful anymore. She writes about her loss by saying things such as Where last year we used to go Where we shall not go again. Nesbit explains how she and her partner used to do lovely things together like go on walks in the woods and enjoy the nature. Her partner sadly died in the war, and since then, she can not appreciate nature's beauty anymore. Life seems to have stopped for her but in reality, life goes on. Just like last year's violets, too, But they have no scent this year. She is a casualty of the war, not physically, but mentally. She is wounded emotionally by the loss of her loved one. This poem is set out like a nursery rhyme, its message is simple. The message reads that, in her eyes, war has ruined everything that used to be beautiful. War is unnatural and cruel, completely the opposite of nature. Spring In War-Time reflects on the memories she had with her partner. It shows how they can never do things which they used to because war has taken him away, tearing them apart forever. It's obvious it is going to take Nesbit a long time to let it go, if not never. All on the verses have four stresses per line, with a rhythm and a rhyme, except for the last verse. Presently red roses blown Will make all the garden gay? Not yet have the daisies grown On your clay. This last verse just stops. Without warning, it just finishes and you are left thinking, "Oh..." It is short and it leaves the poem sounding slightly un-finished, like Nesbit?s life with her partner. It stops suddenly like his death, his death was sudden. This last verse tells us that he has only recently died in the war and been buried, becoming part of nature, not just an observer of it. Nesbit has all her memories of him to hold onto mentally, but physically all she has is his gravestone and maybe a few photos.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

WWI causes Essay -- World War 1 I One

History Term paper What one thing do you think caused WW1? There in fact were many causes of WW1. One of the causes was imperialism. There was jealousy between the countries because some had more colonies then others. The major countries did not trust each other or get along. They were worried about the build up of each others army. Each country had great pride and nationalism. By 1914 all major countries had taken sides against one another and formed alliances. The immediate cause of WW1 was the assignation of the heir to Austria-Hungary’s throne. At the beginning of the war all countries were enthusiastic about it especially Germany. The countries were divided onto sides like so; Germany, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria. These countries were the central powers. There were also the allies who consisted of Great Britain and colonies, France and Russia. Others got involved eventually. Each country had their own strategy and their own strengths. For example: Great Britain had the strongest navy and Germany had the strongest military. Their strategies were different too, like Germany’s strategy failed because they under estimated Belgium’s army. The battle took longer then they thought. They originally were supposed to defeat Belgium and France quickly so they could fight Russia on the eastern front. Even though Germany’s war plan failed they still ended up dominating most of the war before the Americans arrived. It ended up to be a naval race of who could build their navy the quickest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Russia first came into the war they were starting to dominate. They were going through a lot of trouble within their own country because they had a huge population and not enough resources because the land was frozen. The idea of the country going to war lit a certain spark and nationalism and pride through out the country. Russia going to war actually made them respect their leader Tsar Nicholas II. It was the first decision the Tsar made that the people agreed with. The first few battles they won and the word spread through out Russia and Europe that Russia’s army was unstoppable. This quickly changed and Russia started to loose everywhere. The Russian army started to get wiped out by the thousands. They were being defeated by Germany and other countries everywhere they went. A feeling of uncertainty grew through out the Russian people wh... ... to blame for the war. They believed the only way they can be safe from Germany is if they strip Germany for their wealth and armed forces. The allies made the Treaty of Versailles which stated: Germany pays thirty three billion to France, Belgium and Great Britain; they loose all colonies, loose land to create Poland and Alsace and Lorraine goes back to France. They are limited to an army of one hundred thousand along with no tanks, no u-boats and no airplanes. Germany is never to make an alliance or union with Austria. The Rhineland is to be a demilitarized zone and the French will take control of coal mines and rich industries of the Saar region.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the war first started all countries were anxious to fight. When the Great War ended in 1918 no one wanted to think or even speak of war again. Millions of people were slaughtered and killed, people lost their friends and families. The war took longer then expected and by the end all countries were tired and worn out, had problems of their own and lost a lot of money and land that was put into the war. The countries agreed never to have a war again. Little did they know this was only the first one.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Computer Fraud – an Analysis on Oracle Corp vs. Sap Ag

Information system has been playing a grave essential role in daily business activities. Over the past decade, the detection rate of computer crimes concerning information system attacks has risen sharply. According to Kunz and Wilson (2004), reported computer crimes have been septupled from 2000 to 2003 and leads to inestimable economic loss. Therefore, themes on information security, especially the prevention of computer fraud, have attracted increasingly attentions (Romney and Steinbart, 2009). However, it seems that perpetrators can always find new techniques to theft invaluable business secrets stored, processed or protected by those information systems. Moreover, some abuse techniques have been used in economic espionage, which causes a yearly loss of $250 billion (ibid). Oracle Corp vs. SAP AG could be one of the relating cases occurred in the recent 2007 and is not yet closed till present. This essay will firstly introduce the Case. Then by using Fraud Triangle, analyze the reason of SAP’s commitment of computer fraud and data theft. Finally, suggestions on how to improve the security of company’s information system will be addressed with some reflections of the Case. It has been reported that the world’s software giant SAP AG was sued by its largest competitor, Oracle Corporation, for computer fraud and data theft in March 2007 (Anon, 2010). In the Complaint, Oracle Corporation (2007) stated that in November 2006, unusual heavy download activities were spotted on Customer Connection, a website Oracle used to serve its customers. The uncovered access originated from an IP address in one of SAP’s braches with log-in IDs of PeopleSoft and J. D. Edwards customers. It is discovered later that TomorrowNow and SAP TN, two SAP subsidiaries, committed a series of unauthorized access to Oracle’s customer service system and more than 10,000 illegal download activities. Mass of important materials, including copyrighted software codes and confidential documents was theft. In this way, SAP was capable of establishing a service library for PeopleSoft and J. D. Edwards products, and launched a marketing campaign to snatch Oracle’s customers. The fraud resulted in Oracle’s 120 copyrights infringed and posed the threats of losing 358 customers (Kawamoto, 2007). On 24 November 2010, the U. S. Federal District Court for Northern California announced that Oracle won the Case with SAP liable for $1. 3 billion compensation. As Slappendel (2010) points out, this is the largest amount ever awarded in copyright infringement cases. The core reason may lies that the verdict is based upon the fair market value of the licenses for utilizing those resources instead of Oracle’s profit loss. After the verdict, SAP’s stock price has been falling significantly and TomorrowNow had to be shut down (Anon, 2011; Team, 2010). Although SAP accepted the liability and apologized for its inappropriate behavior, the company has been arguing that the penalty was contrary to the reality of the damage caused by the fraud (Margan, 2011). It is also reported that SAP has filed motions to the Court and therefore SAP’s computer fraud case does not seem to end at present. The action of data theft has brought unnecessary troubles to both SAP and Oracle. In order to prevent computer fraud effectively, it is essential to fully examine the reason of SAP’s behavior. Fraud Triangle will be used as an analysis tool. It is estimated by Romney and Steinbart (2009) that Fraud Triangle consists of the three normal conditions for fraud to occur: pressures, opportunities and rationalizations. Figure 1 shown below is a brief summary of Fraud Triangle in the Case. 5. Homely meals in software industry FIGURE 1 FRAUD TRIANGLE OF SAP Pressure Opportunity Rationalization 2. Oracle’s insufficient security management 4. Theft by other companies (i. e. Siebel Systems) before 1. Financial – fierce competition in the market 3. Few evidence – may not be spotted Firstly, SAP is probably under the severe pressure of maintaining the top one throne in the software market. During the last decade, competition between Oracle and SAP has greatly increased and the rivalry has developed into a feud. Particularly in 2004, Oracle began a series of acquisitions, aiming at increasing the share of enterprise applications market, where SAP owned the leadership (PeopleSoft, 2011). After realizing the seriousness, SAP fighted back by offering special discounts to woo customers, and thus a cruel price battle initiated. However, the strategy did not seem to rescue much, SAP’s market share remains downward sloping (Team, 2010). Currently, Oracle and SAP are vying for the third-party enterprise software support and maintenance market. The enormous pressure of winning may contribute to the commitment of computer fraud, especially for spying the business secrets of the largest competitor. The following two external conditions may possibly be linked to SAP’s unwise actions: Oracle’s insufficient security management and an opportunity to conceal the fraud. Oracle has provided the Customer Connection as a supplementary of its service to the customers. However, the semi-open system, which stores countless precious information, does not appear to be equipped with superior security management techniques. A huge defect exists that allows easy access to resources supposed to be protected from outsiders. In terms of the flaw, Oracle may be partially liable of its loss. Even though Oracle’s detection of abnormal access is relatively sensitive, it could not take a step ahead of the crime. Besides, Oracle’s dependence on service website offers the probability to conceal fraud, since comparably less evidence would be left for detection. With technology improvement, computer fraud may become far more difficult to spot in the future (The National Fraud Center, Inc. , 2000). Moreover, the experience of being a casualty of computer crimes might have lifted SAP’s rationalization of being a perpetrator. It is recorded that in 1999, SAP filed a lawsuit against Siebel Systems and claimed of being a victim of the so-called White Collar Crime (Kawamoto, 2007). Additionally, it may be reasonable to recognize the fact that most people in software industries regard the occurrence of computer fraud as homely meals, because almost all businesses in this market have grabbed some most advanced computer techniques, together with some abuse techniques obviously. As a result, SAP’s fraud behavior may not be that severe in the eyes of the decision makers. Hence, accelerate the germination of computer crimes. After fully assessment of why SAP may err, suggestions on how to improve the security of enterprise’s information system will be addressed with reflections of the Case. In the perspective of prevention, several control methods could be considered to raise the security capability of the enterprise’s information systems. First of all, persuade or enforce all employees, even the customers, to use strong password to access to company’s database or service websites (Standler, 2007). Requirement of password changes at regular time intervals would be necessary to prevent some former employees of customers’ company from entering the system, which may exactly Oracle needs. Secondly, restrict physical and remote access to system resources unless the both the log-in ID and IP address are authorized (Backhouse and Dhillon, 1995). Thirdly, safeguard and double encrypt all data and programs. For example, materials on the Customer Connection could be double encrypted so that without further encoding, the downloaded materials would remain useless for non-employees or non-customers. Besides, techniques such as anti-virus software and firewall could to some extent protect the system from worms and viruses attack. Although using the above prevention method could avoid some dispensable loss, perpetrators penetrate everywhere (Romney and Steinbart, 2009). Therefore, an efficient detection system should be ready for any possible incidences. The establishment of a fraud hotline is recommended, which contains the employment of computer security officers, consultants and forensic specialists. The control system will be engaged in monitoring all malicious actions and reporting back as soon as possible. In the Case, Oracle took advantage of its superior detection system and made SAP’s fraud evidence traceable and suppressible (Oracle Corporation, 2007). Despite prevention and detection, there are other preparations could be made ahead of the arrival of any disasters with the intention of reducing the loss caused by computer fraud (Kunz and Wilson, 2004). These routines mainly concern insurance application, recovery plans constitution, material back-up within the whole information system. Furthermore, timely crime reporting to the government crime center and effectively legislative tool using might be helpful for retrieving fairly compensations from perpetrators, as it has been done by Oracle Corporation in the Case. Some ERP market analysts even suspect that the Lawsuit could be a sort of Oracle’s strategy to decrease the competition in the third-party enterprise software maintenance and support market. Whatever the original purpose is, Oracle has achieved benefit from winning the Lawsuit for the current period. To conclude, SAP’s situation has satisfied all of the three conditions presented in Fraud Triangle, some of which heavily depend on industrial environment as well as the design of Oracle’s information system. Thus, objectively, SAP may not liable for all the censure, though it really has been occupied in illicit competition using computer fraud. Oracle could be considered partially responsible for its loss and the sentenced $1. 3 billion seems somewhat too cruel for SAP to bear. Although some experts may argue that the breach of intellectual property is unforgivable culpable negligence, it looks possible for the Court to adjust the amount of penalty towards a more realistic number. Since the next round hearings will not start until July 2011, all the outcomes remain unpredictable (Margan, 2011). It is undeniable that, however, computer fraud could bring about huge losses for the entire society, especially when it is used in economic espionage. In the speeding advancing information century, nearly all of the impossible could be made possible. Consequently, it seems that only the creation of a healthy competition environment, emphasis on business ethics and proper education may aid in bringing down the upward climbing computer crime rate. REFERENCE Anon. (2007) SAP-We Will Aggressively Defend Against Oracle‘s Claims [online]. Ziff Davis Media, United Press International. Available at: [30 April 2011] Anon. (2010) Oracle Awarded $1. 3bn In SAP Data Theft Case [online] 24 November. BBC News. Available at: [28 April 2011] Anon. (2011) SAP Posts Sharp Profit Drop Due To Oracle Lawsuit [online] 26 January. Available at: [29 April 2011] Backhouse,J. and Dhillon,G. (1995) Managing Computer Crime – A Research Outlook [online]. Computer and Security: 14(1995) 645-651. A vailable at: [29 April 2011] Granick,J. S. (n. d. ) Faking It: Calculating Loss In Computer Crime Sentencing [online]. Available at: [1 May 2011] Kawamoto,D. (2007) Oracle Sues SAP On Spying Charges [online] 22 March. CNET News. Available at: [28 April 2011] Kunz,M and Wilson,P. (2004) Computer Crime And Computer Fraud [online]. Available at: [1 May 2011] Margan,T. P. (2011) Oracle, SAP Still Going At It Over TomorrowNow [online] 28 February. Available at: [29 April 2011] Niccolai,J. (2010) SAP: Court Lops $500M Off Oracle’s Potential Damages [online] November. IDG News. Available at: [1 May 2011] Oracle Corporation (2007) Oracle Vs. SAP Lawsuit Complaint [online]. Available at: [28 April 2011] Panorama Consulting Group. (2010) Clash Of The Titans: An Independent Comparison Of SAP Vs. Oracle [online]. Available at: [10 April 2011] PeopleSoft (2011) Oracle vs. SAP [online] 1 May. Available at: [1 May 2011] Romney,M. B. and Steinbart,P. J. 2009) Accounting Information Systems, 11th Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. Shaw,E. et al. (n. d. ) The Insider Threat To Information Systems: The Psychology Of The Dangerous Insider [online]. Security Awareness Bulletin: No. 2-98. Available at: [29 April 2011] Slappendel,S. (2010) Oracle v. SAP: Highest Damages Awarded For A Copyright Infringement Lawsuit [online]. Available at: [28 April 2011] Standler,R. B. (2007) Tips For Avoiding Computer Crime [online] 25 November. Available at: [29 April 2011] Team,T. (2010) SAP-Oracle Lawsuit Could Weigh On SAP Market Share, Stock Price [online] 14 December. Available at: [29 April 2011] The National Fraud Center, Inc. (2000) The Growing Global Threat Of Economic And Cyber Crime [online] December. Available at: [1 May 2011] APPENDIX: A COPY OF THE NEWS REPORT Oracle awarded $1. 3bn in SAP data theft case 24 November 2010 Last updated at 07:32 GMT Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison testified during the case European software giant SAP has been ordered by a Californian court to pay US rival Oracle $1. 3bn (? 820m) after losing a data theft case. The case revolved around customer-support documents and software stolen by SAP's subsidiary TomorrowNow. Oracle alleged that the German company intended to use the data to poach the 358 customers involved, and demanded $1. 65bn compensation. SAP had claimed it owed only $40m, but the jury decided in Oracle's favour. SAP said it was disappointed with the jury's decision and would look to challenge the verdict. [We will] pursue all available options, including post-trial motions and appeal if necessary,† it said in a statement. It did, however, reiterate that it had made a mistake: â€Å"We regret the actions of TomorrowNow, we have accepted liability, and have been willing to fairly compensate Oracle†. ‘Big dreams' Oracle co-president Safra Catz expressed her satisfa ction with the verdict: â€Å"For more than three years, SAP stole thousands of copies of Oracle software and then resold that software and related services to Oracle's own customers. â€Å"The trial made it clear that SAP's most senior executives